
Safeguard your Future with Financial Protection

Here at Financial Foresight we understand that family comes first and the importance of making sure your household is financially protected. Death and unexpected illness can be traumatic enough for the family unit without having to consider the financial implications too. That’s why we have listed below our top steps to help you safeguard the future of you and your family.

Step 1: Savings

‘Save for a rainy day’, is a saying you should be putting into practice. Not only is it great to save to be able to afford  your life goals, but it’s also important to have an emergency fund. You never know when you might need to support your household with money during periods of sudden unemployment, illness or death.  Therefore, getting into a habit of putting aside a percentage of your earnings will help build up an emergency fund should you need to use it.  

Step 2: Health Insurance and Income Protection

Your health really is your wealth. Opting into a health insurance policy means you will have access to a network of private hospitals should illness strike. However, we feel it is as important to make sure you have a monthly income if you are unable to work due to an accident or ill health. 

It can be difficult to choose the right policy as there are various health insurance covers available. Feel free to contact one of our trusted advisors who will happily talk you through your options.

Step 3: Life Insurance

Death is inevitable, but it will always be an unsettling time for any family, whatever the circumstances. One way to ease the pain is to ensure you have an appropriate life insurance policy in place. This means your family will have a source of income to help fund necessary funeral costs and ongoing expenses for the foreseeable future. Opting into the right life insurance policy does however requires smart financial planning. Feel free to seek advice from our expert financial advisers today

Financial Foresight

Protect your loved ones by protecting your finances today. Contact Financial Foresight and book a free, no obligation consultation with our financial advisers.