
A How–to guide for Beginners: Financial Planning

What is a Financial Review? 

A Financial Advisor provides you with independent, trusted and unbiased wealth management advice to effectively manage your finances. A Financial Review is conducted by your financial advisor to help grow and protect your wealth. 

If you want to: 

 • Save for the future – Live too long  

• Protect your family in the face of unexpected circumstances – Die too soon

• Make retirement plans 

• Unable to work due to an accident or ill health – Sick in Middle 

Our financial advisors will take the time to understand your financial circumstances and help you prepare for your future financial needs. 

What happens in your financial review?

Within our process, our financial advisors endeavor to get to know you and your families’ financial needs before making any saving or investment decisions. 

Your wealth manager will discuss the following: 

• Where you live and any plans you have to move in the future? 

• Your family circumstances and financial commitments? 

• The savings, investments and protection policies you already have? 

• What you plan to do when you retire? 

• Your tax obligations at home and abroad? 

• How you feel about different levels of investment risk?

Ultimately, our Financial advisers work with you to find the most suitable investment option / vehicle for your needs. They will also discuss protection options that you can avail of and recommend options that are aligned with your future plans. 

Your Financial Planning Report

Your wealth manager will have compiled a Financial Report, customised to suit your financial needs. It will address all the investment, retirement and protection solutions recommended by your trusted financial advisor. 

Each element will be laid out clearly, allowing you to weigh up the benefits and drawbacks of all options. 

Here are a few examples of what your financial report will include:

• Children’s school and university fees – savings and investments to cover finances.

• Financial Protection – Life and Health insurance 

• Retirement solutions – providing you with the future lifestyle you want. 

• Estate planning solutions to protect and preserve your wealth.

Keep your finances in order…

To ensure the financial review and solutions put in place for you have not changed, we conduct yearly reviews to ensure your investments remain aligned with your objectives. 

If there are any financial changes throughout the year, your wealth manager will reevaluate your financial report immediately. Our Financial Advisors have your best interests at hand when it comes to managing your finances. 

Want to meet? 

To meet one of our wealth managers contact us today and book a free consultation …